Sea Side Stories

By Dave

Welcome to Sea Side Stories

Come with me to a place where you can breathe clean, fresh, seaside air, where you can enjoy a world of happy people doing good and often rather off-grid things, of nature being enjoyed, and of random and unusual thoughts and ideas being explored.

Come to the world of Dave’s Seaside Stories!

Are you looking for relief from the strangeness of today’s world? Tired of the cascade of bad ‘news’ on your television, internet, and phone? Need an escape from the hassles of work? Thirsting for happiness, joy, contentment, goofiness? Ready for funny and thoroughly quirky locals, unusual tourists with intriguing backstories, gentle interactions, and witty but happy social commentary, all taking place in a beautiful coastal setting?

Here you will find no anger, no strife, no hate, no divisiveness, and, most importantly, not a whole lot of seriousness. Seaside Stories will make you smile, laugh, and think.



Hi, my name is Schmedly Doogle. You may call me Schmedly, or you may call me whatever nickname I’ve concocted that day. It’s a somewhat fluid situation.

Goober’s M-S B-FF

One day last week, Goober and I were down below the house collecting specimens out of tide pools, when we saw a most unusual thing: a medium-sized buffalo-faced flounder.

Goober’s Origins

A simple name for a simple dog. Goober. My buddy. I have to admit here that I’m not what people would call ‘a dog person.’

Who Am I?

By now I suspect some are wondering, ‘Who is this Schmedly Doogle, and what does he look like?’ 

Finster Follies

This afternoon, Goober and I went up the road to see how Paddy and Gore were doing. I left Goober in the driveway and pounded on the big wooden slab that passes for Gore’s front door. 

Imports Exported

Goober and I have discovered a unique social-political-gastronomical-ethanological phenomenon: imported beer. 

The Service

We have these night church services during the week now and then, depending on the time in the church year it happens to be, and being in the evening and all, sometimes the light and warmth and promise of human interaction attracts some unusual characters, unusual even for this community. 

The Fog

I guess it’s pretty obvious we have some unique characters in our community. One of them is named Burleigh Grimes, which may not mean much to most of the population. 

The Big One

Goober and I went down to Darnell Bunlap’s house early this morning, to help him catch the big one. Darnell’s been trying to catch the big one since he came here in 1968. Darnell, that is. 

Goober The Porschephile

Today, for some obscure reason, Goober decided to chase cars again. I taught him years ago that chasing cars resulted in severe headaches, tired legs, and nausea, but sometimes he forgets. 

The best place to start your journey is the character bio page. There you will be introduced to all the main players in the community.

I was advised to offer the first ten stories for free. For a nominal $1.30, of which the author earns a little and PayPal takes most of it, you can continue the whimsical journey. Or, in response to feedback from loyal readers who didn’t want to wait a week for the next story, I’m offering a twelve-story package! You can now binge read Seaside Stories by bagging three month’s-worth for a bargain rate of $15!

I hope you feel that same sense of ‘Ahhh!’ when you read these stories as I felt when I wrote them.